Celebrating 30 years! International Tours since 1988; Conferences & Retreats since 1982
Celebrating 30 years of conducting conferences, retreats and tours!
(not many sacred site tour companies out there that have been in existence for 30 years)
© "Hagar Qim Temple in Malta" by Sheri Nakken
Malta: Land of the Goddess
Fall 2012 (email for dates)
Lying between Sicily & North Africa are Malta and her sister isalnds of Gozo and
Comino. Malta is the historic island of the incredible Goddess Temples and a land of mystery!
- Beautiful islands of Malta, Comino & Gozo in the middle of the Mediterranean
south of Sicily - mild, sunny climate
- Incredible Gigantic Stone Temples to the Goddess
- Tarxien - Queen of the Temples - huge stonewalls, spirals, friezes,
massive Goddess statues
- Hypogeum of Hal Saflieni - newly reconstructed and reopened
Huge Complex of Underground Chambers
This is an ancient underground monument [circa 2,400 BC], 12 metres below street level. It consists of a system of caves, passages and cubicles cut into the stone, similar to the interiors of megalithic temples. An enormous subterranean structure excavated with cyclopean rigging to lift huge blocks of coralline limestone around the year 2500 B.C., the Hypogeum, possibly conceived as a sanctuary, has been a necropolis since prehistoric times. plan; more
- Temples of Gigantija - shaped like the body of woman - A group of two very important temples erected side-by-side on the Xaghra plateau. These date back to 3600-4000 BC
- Temple of Hagar Qim
- Temple of
- Ghar Dalam Cave - This cave is a depository of semi-fossilized remains and extinct species such as dwarf elephants and hippopotami which roamed the island some 250,000 years ago, ostensibly when it was still part of the Africa land mass.
- Mysterious track lines in the rocks>
- Magnificent Mediterranean Beaches
- Blue Lagoon Boat trip
- Fungus Rock & The Azure Window Rock Formations
- Incredible National Museum of Archaeology
- Special Teachings in:
- The Goddess Revealed
- Ancient Sites & History's Mysteries
Evidence of Catastrophic World Floods
Possible Connections With Atlantis
- Maltese Culture, Architecture & History
- Free time to shop and explore personal interests
Cost: Starting at $1595 USD for twin/triple occupancy, (other currencies can be calculated) + airfare extra. Single supplement $250. Price includes accommodations, continental
breakfasts daily, transportation around Malta, admission to sites listed,
and workshops.
Can combine this with Crete tour which follows Malta tour
Bookstore - Goddess, History's
Mysteries & more

© "Maltese Temple" by Sheri Nakken
"Gigantija Temple, Gozo, Malta"
For more detailed brochure earthmysteriestours@gmail.com, wwithin@nccn.net please indicate which tour you are requesting information on, in your email
Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours & Well Within
Phone 304-238-6612 Pacific Time, US
Visitors since January 11, 2000
| Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours
| Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours
| Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours
| Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours
| Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours | Malta Tours
|Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours
|Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours
|Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours
|Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours | Goddess Tours
|Tarxian, Gigantija, Hypogeum, Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, Temples
|Tarxian, Gigantija, Hypogeum, Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, Temples
|Tarxian, Gigantija, Hypogeum, Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, Temples
|Tarxian, Gigantija, Hypogeum, Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, Temples
|Tarxian, Gigantija, Hypogeum, Mnajdra, Hagar Qim, Temples