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October 3, 2000 Anthrax Vaccine Hearings in Congress
April 1999 Randice Alliare Testimony - Anthrax Vaccine Hearings in Congress
Congressman Metcalf's report on Squalene Found in Anthrax Vaccine
Additive Found In Anthrax Vaccine
Benefit Versus Risk: You Decide! The Anthrax Vaccination Immunization Program
Anthrax Vaccine Home Page - Meryl Nass, M.D. This website is designed as a source of accurate information on the human anthrax vaccine, MDPH-PA or AVA, which is currently being given to 2.5 million servicemembers and some civilian government employees in the US. I am a practicing physician and expert on the vaccine, and by default have become an activist on this issue. This page includes some of my writings on this subject, including two Congressional testimonies, and a variety of other materials that I hope will be useful for those persons making a decison about taking the vaccine, or those doing scholarly research on the subject. Needless to say, this is a taste of the thousands of documents I have reviewed. Please let me know if there are any gaps in these materials, and I will try to add anything that is missing.
Meryl Nass, MD, ABIM, November 26, 1999
Anthrax Vaccine Website & Links One of most up-to-date website's covering all the issues related to Anthrax Vaccine
Squalene & Rheumatoid Arthritis - Rat Study
February, 2000 Antibodies to Squalene in Gulf War Syndrome
Asa PB, Cao Y, Garry RF - Path to Drs. Asa, Garry, Cao paper
Also check out the other information on squaline published -- LINK and type in squalene then the search button. Opens up to the page that contains study with Asa - While there, please note other related articles including interesting finds on squalene use as adjuvants, including squalene induced adjuvant arthritis, etc., etc.....
Be aware, this is what has been denied for so long. This is proof that the unlicensed, unapproved squalene adjuvant, was administered to GW Era Vets and to others. Stay tuned.........this is far from over.
July, 1999 - Department of Defense Anthrax Vaccination Moratorium Act Support this bill!
Major Sonnie Bates, USAF, 12 October 1999
Testimony Before House of Representatives
May 1999 - Salon Magazine, May 1999 Our troops are being vaccinated against anthrax, but are the shots a dangerous waste of money?
March 1999 - GAO Report - Presence of Squalene
I wanted to make a few comments on the following story. Squalene is one
of several components used to produce several different vaccine
adjuvants. Adjuvants strongly boost the effectiveness of vaccines in
which they are used; without them, the vaccine in question would provide
poor immunity. With them, there is sufficient non-specific stimulation
of the immune system that a good immune response is generated to the
antigen. They are required more for "killed" than attenuated live
Adjuvants containing squalene have been used routinely in animal
experiments over the past 10+ years with anthrax vaccine. They have
also been used in several human experimental trials of vaccines: for
HIV, herpes genitalis, etc. These adjuvants have been shown to cause
severe autoimmune reactions in animals, and despite several clinical
trials, the vaccines which have contained them have not been approved
for routine human use. It is my belief that they have caused severe
autoimmune disease in some humans who were enrolled in experimental
trials, based on anecdotal reports.
The work of Pam Asa and Bob Garry looked for autoantibodies to squalene
in humans. They did not look for evidence of other adjuvant components;
and their work has not yet been published or duplicated by another
group. Thus, there is no proof yet which, if any, experimental
adjuvants may have been given to Gulf vets and/or other servicemembers.
But the circumstantial evidence is very troubling.
Servicemembers who may have received such adjuvants had to have signed
informed consent documents for their administration to have been legal,
since there existed no waiver of informed consent for these products.
If anyone thinks they may have received these products and is aware of
agreeing to take them, please contact me.
Meryl Nass
International Gulf War Illness Coalition - Article
Mycoplasma Fermentans (Incognitus) and Aids, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, & Gulf
War Syndrome - More Questions Remain
Pentagon - A Promise to Do Better is Not Enough Washington Post, 1/12/98
Pentagon slammed for testing Drugs on Troops
By: Deborah Funk, 10-23-1997
FDA Warns Michigan Biologic Products Institute of Intention to Revoke
Licenses, Wed, 10 Dec 1997 Producers of Anthrax & other Vaccines
Anthrax Vaccine Production Continues Michigan Biologics
Remains Open
Michigan Biologics Shuts Down (Anthrax Plant)
Letter 1 to Secretary of Defense regarding Anthrax Vaccine"
Letter 2 to Secretary of Defense regarding Anthrax Vaccine"
Franklin, NC 28734, http://www.dnet.net/~pkawaja/
During the last 50 years, hundreds of thousands of military personnel have
been involved in human experimentation and other intentional exposures
conducted by the Department of Defense (DOD), often without a service
member's knowledge or consent.
The military has released chemicals and biological agents through outdoor
"open air" tests for over four decades. Some of these supposedly safe
chemicals and biological agents, referred to as simulants, were also
released over populated areas and cities.
Anthrax vaccine was given to approximately 150,000 military personnel in
the Persian Gulf. Anthrax vaccine is considered effective for protecting
against anthrax exposure of the skin; however it is unclear whether it
provides protection against inhaling aerosolized anthrax. According to the
Department of Defense, in biological warfare the anthrax would be sprayed,
so the efficacy of the vaccine against aerosolized anthrax would have been
the relevant test. As stated earlier in this report, the DOD has only one
study indicating that the vaccine might be useful against aerosolized
anthrax, but there are no data on humans.
Excerpts from "Is Military Research Hazardous to Veteran's Health? Lessons
Spanning Half A Century" Committee on Veterans Affairs United States Senate
December 8, 1994
Incline Village Nevada--CFS OUTBREAK
Drs. Cheney and Peterson read and reread the Annals papers describing a
syndrome of illnesses that appeared to be associated with the ubiquitous
herpesvirus, but they were disturbed by the nascent theory being advanced
by Jones and Straus that Epstein-Barr virus might play a causative role.
The Nevada clinicians found another idea, which Stephen Straus had floated
with featherweight emphasis, to be far more credible; that Epstein-Barr
virus reactivation might merely be an epiphenomenon, or a hallmark, of the
syndrome. What if something else, some other virus-call it agent X-was
undermining the immune systems of these patients, allowing rampant
Epstein-Barr virus replication and other subtle biological disturbances?
An August 15 letter in the Lancet from British scientists proposed in print
for the first time what a number of other thoughtful researchers were
beginning to suspect: "One wonders whether the isolation of this (virus)
from immunosuppressed patients could represent reactivation of a latent
Lyndonville, NY--CFS OUTBREAK--Drs. Karen & David Bell
Karen began a mental inventory of milk-borne infections. Brucellosis, or
undulant fever, was at the top of her long list; in the absence of
antibiotics, the disease can persist for years. Brucellosis tests were
uniformly negative, however. Two other diseases they investigated were Q
fever and yersinia, the latter characterized by-as Karen Bell described
it-"the runs." The Q fever postulate was dashed when tests yielded
uniformly negative results. The Duncanson patriach, David, although
symptomless, was positive for yersinia, however. For the next month both
doctors assumed the outbreak was yersinia. On December 14, the three
sickest children were hospitalized. The admitting diagnosis was yersinia.
For two weeks doctors infused the children with a powerful antibiotic,
gentamicin; a second antibiotic, doxycycline was to be swallowed. On day
five all three children began to respond. They were released on Christmas
Eve, their ordeal seeming to be over.
Incline Village, Nevada--CFS OUTBREAK
It was unlikely, of course that in a town of just under 6,000 a federal
investigation of an epidemic should go unnoticed. What was remarkable was
how long the Centers for Disease Control's presence on Alder Street had
remained submerged. Gary Holmes was instinctively wary of publicity and had
identified himself in telephone conversations with patients as an official
from the Washoe County health department. "I did not want to make it known
that we were doing a CDC investigation," he explained later.
Excerpts from "Osler's Web" Inside the Labyrinth of the Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome Epidemic" by Hillary Johnson, Crown Books, Copyright 1996
Mycoplasmas In the Aids Spotlight
Luc Montagner now thinks that these microbes may have a role in
AIDS-bringing a measure of delayed vindication to Shyh-Ching Lo a tenacious
young virologist. For Lo, the fact that a co-discoverer of HIV would
mention mycoplasmas in the same breath as the AIDS virus is in itself a
sort of triumph.
He then marshaled the strengths of gene amplification, electron microscopy,
in situ hybridization, and immuno-histochemistry to identify the putative
gene in tissues. And he found it-in the spleen, liver, brain, lymph nodes,
and blood of AIDS patients as well as in the sarcoma tissues.
Even more dramatic was his discovery that the agent could cause death on
its own. Lo injected four silverleaf monkeys with the isolate; they all
died within 9 months. And Lo found the agent in damaged tissues from six
HIV negative patients who had died from unspecified causes 1 to 7 weeks
after presenting symptoms suspiciously like those of AIDS.
Excerpts from SCIENCE, Vol. 248, 11 May 1990
The French scientist who isolated the original AIDS virus is hotly pursuing
yet another microscopic culprit An accountant's son who excelled in Greek
and Latin in college during the German occupation, Montagnier is no
stranger to adversity. He faced it again in 1990, when he supported a
controversial theory that Mycoplasma, a bacterium-like organism, is the
trigger that turns a slow-growing population of AIDS viruses into mass
killers. According to Montagnier, the explosion of sexual activity in the
U.S. during the 1970's, fostered the spread of a hardy drug-resistant
strain of Mycoplasma. HIV meanwhile, lay dormant in Africa. The AIDS
epidemic began, Montagnier speculates, when the two microbes got together,
perhaps in Haiti.
Excerpts from Time Magazine, August 3,1992
Lo and associates demonstrated M. fermentans infection in the tissues of
70% of AIDS patients with clinical manifestations of functional organ
deficits. No other microorganisms were present in these lesions of these
AIDS patients. M. fermentans occurred in tissues with only mild
histopathological changes and in areas with degenerating cells with patchy
necrosis. Tetracycline and related compounds (e.g. minocycline and
doxycycline) are among the few antibiotics that are effective against
virtually all species of mollicutes. These compounds are effective against
M. fermentans.
Excerpt from Uniformed Services of The Health Sciences, (USUHS) Dept. of
Pathology, Syllabus VI, 1993-1994 edition ( Military Medical College)
HIV and Mycoplasma
Dr. John Beldekas-whose research demonstrated that "AIDS" patients have
antibodies to African Swine Fever Virus (ASFV), the virus Beldekas believes
causes the deterioration of the immune system seen in "AIDS" was
interviewed by the Native in August 1991.
During the interview he remarked that a few years earlier, he'd noticed
that treating HIV infected cell cultures with antibiotics stopped the cell
killing effect. When Beldekas remarked upon that fact he remembered his
colleagues laughed at him: When I worked for the State of Massachusetts in
the virus labs, and I used a drug to kill the Mycoplasma in cultures, the
HIV died.
And people used to laugh at me: "Oh you cured HIV with gentamycin", which
kills Mycoplasma. And the gentamycin always used to kill HIV in my H9
cells. And people used to laugh at me. And I would say, "But wait a minute,
maybe there's something to this Mycoplasma." And people would say "Oh John,
for God's sake."
Excerpts from The New York Native, Neenyah Ostrom, October 11,1993
Gulf War Syndrome--Dr. Garth and Dr. Nancy Nicolson--and Mycoplasmas To
demonstrate that microorganisms such as mycoplasmas are associated with GWS
we initiated two lines of investigation. First we examined the blood of GWS
patients for the presence of mycoplasmas by the technique of polymerase
chain reaction (PCR). Although we could not detect Mycoplasma infections in
whole blood, we could detect specific Mycoplasma DNA sequences in the blood
leukocyte fraction of symptomatic patients, but ONLY if we adapted PCR
techniques to our DNA preparation. This approach required the use of Celex
to safely extract the samples. Using forensic PCR techniques and Southern
hybridization confirmation of the PCR products we could easily detect the
presence of Mycoplasma-specific DNA in the leukocytes of symptomatic GWS
Excerpt from Mycoplasma Infections in Gulf War Illnesses, Presented to the
Presidents Panel on Gulf War Syndrome, Washington DC August 14-16, 1995
Drs. Nicolson's Findings
They concluded that many Desert Storm veterans with GWS, particularly a
subset with family members that are presenting with similar symptoms, are
infected with invasive microorganisms, such as mycoplasmas and possibly
other infectious agents as well. Since the mycoplasmas detected appeared to
contain unusual gene sequences (such as the HIV-1 envelope gene), the
Nicolsons concluded that the mycoplasmas were probably modified and may
have been used as biological weapons during Desert Storm.
Excerpt from "Progress on Persian Gulf War Illnesses", Journal of
Occupational Medicine and Toxicology, 1995
Dr. Garth Nicolson presented his findings to the Department of Veterans
Affairs on 4 August, 1995, present were top researchers and scientists from
DOD, HHS, etc. During the question and answer period Dr. Shyh-Ching Lo
stated that he had been unable to detect the mycoplasmas in the Gulf
Veterans and he had used Classic PCR technology and had checked the red
blood cells. Dr. Garth Nicolson responded that by the time the Mycoplasma
was detected in the red blood cells, the patient was nearly dead and that
adapted Forensic PCR and Gene Tracking should be used to check the
leukocytes or white blood cells in order to detect the Mycoplasma.
Interview with Army Captain Charles E. Hamden present at the meeting.
Dr. Stephen C. Joseph :
In a letter to Delaware Senator William V. Roth, dated August 28, 1995, Dr.
Stephen C. Joseph, Assistant Secretary of Defense, presented his
Information Paper: Mycoplasma Incognitus and Persian Gulf Veterans which
stated that ONLY Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Ureaplasma urealyticum, and
Mycoplasma hominis have clearly shown to cause disease in man. This
information paper was presented to members of the Senate Armed Services
Committee and other members of Congress.
A blitz of newspaper stories publicizing a government blueprint for a
collaboration with the pharmaceutical industry that would result in the
rapid development of an "AIDS vaccine" on February 13 was followed the next
day by a report calling an HIV vaccine now in clinical trials a "flop." In
fact Fauci is determined to forge ahead with clinical trials of "AIDS
vaccines" using the same part of the HIV-gp120- as was used in the vaccines
already known to have failed. Since Fauci knows that the vaccine he hopes
to rush into clinical trials use the same portion of HIV to "vaccinate" as
the vaccines that didn't work, how can he possibly proceed with the
proposed trials?
And if some of the experimental vaccines under consideration do turn out to
be more than "flops", how big a disaster could actually result?
Excerpts from The New York Native, Neenyah Ostrom, February 26,1996
Some questions for study :
Were CFS outbreaks associated with any covert biological testing,
(spraying) perhaps of anthrax or maybe a substance thought to be a harmless
Some Gulf Veterans were told that their "Anthrax" vaccines contained
Recombinant DNA is this the approved FDA vaccine?
How is it that a Veteran given a vaccine in 1974, tests positive for both
the Mycoplasma fermentans (incognitus) and anthrax?
What were the results of the Mycoplasmas vaccine program conducted at the
University of Maryland?
Could the Mycoplasma be activating HIV and other viruses such as
Epstein-Barr, HHV6, etc.?
Was the Yersinia culture in the Lyndonville outbreak gained from a stool
culture? Were the children's stools cultured? Why were gentamycin IV and
doxycycline (oral) selected as the treatment? Has this protocol been used
to treat other CFS patients?
What would have been the effect on CFS had the children not survived the
Why was the CDC undercover in Incline, Nevada?
Why is Mycoplasma Incognitus listed under Sexually Transmitted Diseases, in
the USUHS medical book?
Since vaccine trials on Mycoplasma were conducted prior to Shyh-Ching Lo's
pronouncement that they could cause death on their own, were they thought
to be safe before that?
How does the Mycoplasma containing 40% of the HIV envelope fit together
with the whole HIV virus?
Since Shyh-Ching Lo was looking in the red blood cells using Classic PCR
instead of the leukocytes (white blood cells) using adapted Forensic PCR
and Gene Tracking could his findings of 70% infections in AIDS patients be
How is it possible that Dr. Stephen C. Joseph, is not aware that Mycoplasma
fermentans (incognitus) causes disease in man?
Why was the HIV gp120 used unsuccessfully by Dr. Fauci over 20 times in
AIDS vaccine trials and who received these unsuccessful vaccines? He
claimed that people showed some immunity unless they engaged in risk
behaviors, wouldn't a condom have been at least as effective?
Send your e-mail questions or suggestions to Peter Kawaja: pkawaja@dnet.net
-or-FAX / Voice Call to > (704) 349-4285.
The Pentagon is seeking not only broad authority to give out these drugs
during terrorist emergencies but also to waive FDA rules meant to ensure the
safest use of experimental drugs: requirements such as keeping track of who
gets what drugs, proper labeling, monitoring of side effects and fully
informing patients of possible complications before they give their consent.
The FDA is concerned, because as it and the Presidential Advisory Committee
on Gulf War Illnesses recently documented, the Pentagon has a terrible
record in using such drugs and vaccines both in Desert Storm and more
recently in Bosnia.
Just before Desert Storm, the FDA allowed the Pentagon to give troops
several experimental drugs and vaccines not approved for commercial sale.
Among them were pyridostigmine bromide (PB), a drug believed to be effective
in fending off the effects of chemical and nerve agents; botulinum vaccine
and antitoxin medicine to combat biological weapons other than anthrax; and
anthrax post-exposure treatments. The FDA also allowed the Pentagon to waive
informed consent, in some cases making it mandatory that the troops take the
pills or vaccines without full knowledge of possible risks.
Early research suggests that the interaction of PB with wartime stress,
pesticides and other hazardous materials present in Desert Storm may be a
trigger for "gulf war illness." PB may have been taken by as many as 500,000
troops and botulinum vaccine by about 8,000, although some information still
is classified.
After the war, the FDA, in reviewing the Pentagon's compliance with the
minimal wartime conditions the agency had laid down, found that "deviations"
from the rules "pointed out an underlying inability for the Defense
Department to carry out its obligations" under the rules for handling
experimental substances. For example, only about half of the troops surveyed
by the Pentagon received required information about PB; no records were kept
of troops who had adverse reactions to the PB pills; and no notation in
permanent medical records was made of those who took botulinum vaccine,
making it impossible to study its long-term effects.
The Pentagon, chastised, promised the FDA it would do better next time.
Bosnia was that next time.
In Bosnia, the Army was authorized to dispense an experimental vaccine for
tick-borne encephalitis, a disease common in the Balkans. In its recent
review of that program, the FDA criticized the Pentagon for failing again to
document immunizations in soldiers' permanent medical records and for
touting the vaccine in handouts given to troops as "very safe and extremely
effective" when the FDA never authorized such glowing language. The FDA at
last is considering rescinding its permission for the Pentagon to use some
experimental drugs on troops in wartime without their consent.
The President's Committee on Gulf War Illnesses was even more critical of
the Pentagon's performance with unapproved drugs in the gulf war and Bosnia,
saying the Pentagon "currently is incapable" of handling such drugs, and
that its poor performance has hampered research into the causes of gulf war
Against this background, the head of defense health affairs boldly is
requesting from the FDA more authority to use some of these same substances
not only on troops but on civilians in case of domestic terrorism involving
chemical and biological weapons, with the same protocol waivers that the FDA
already has noted the Pentagon is incapable of honoring.
The Department of Defense, understandably and correctly, wants as much
flexibility as it can have during times of national emergency to protect
troops and civilians at home from these weapons of mass murder.
But if Americans are in imminent danger of dying by the thousands from
biological and chemical weapons at home, then the Pentagon and the White
House should do a better job leveling with the people and Congress about the
precise nature of the threat and how imminent it may be, and then begin a
debate on how far the Pentagon should go in injecting itself into civilian
emergency care.
The writer is a managing editor at Army Times Publishing Co.
© Copyright 1998 The Washington Post Company
Why is this important information - here is info on squalene from Meryl Nass, MD
From: Meryl Nass Information From 1997 & 1998
Navy Times Published: 10-27-97
Veterans' Group Wages Net Campaign Against Anthrax Vaccine" by John Motavalli
January 5, 1998
A recent announcement by the department of defense that it would be
starting vaccinations "against the biological warfare agent anthrax" has
rekindled concerns among Gulf War veterans on the Net about how much the
government is doing to protect them from such weapons.
The Gulf War Veterans Association has started an e-mail campaign expressing
concern over the efficacy of such vaccines. Captain Joyce Riley (USAF
Inactive Reserve), a registered nurse and director of the Texas-based
American Gulf War Veterans Association, said that "Gulf War veterans are
outraged knowing that these immunizations have not been proven effective
against the use of aerosolized anthrax." Anthrax is a biological weapon
that some fear Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein might deploy.
Riley's group claims that evidence supports the contention that the
immunizations aren't effective. Among the sources cited is Senate Report
103-97, page 15, December 8, 1994, which states: "Unfortunately, when
anthrax is used as a biological weapon, it is likely to be aerosolized and
thus inhaled. Therefore, the efficacy of the vaccine against biological
warfare is unknown." The veterans group also quotes Lt. General Ronald
Blanck, commanding officer of Walter Reed Army Medical Center, from the
same report as saying on page 35: "Anthrax vaccine should continue to be
considered as a potential cause for undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf
Riley also cites an August 6, 1997 (Vol 278 No 5 p 402) report by The
Journal of the American Medical Association, which addressed the vaccine:
"There are insufficient data regarding efficacy against inhalational
anthrax in humans..." According to Riley, "The credibility of the
Department of Defense, the Pentagon, and the Veterans Administration has
recently been attacked and a recommendation for an independent
investigation into Gulf War illness has been made."
The Department of Defense insists that this vaccine is not experimental or
possibly ineffective or unsafe. The DOD announced the anthrax vaccine
policy December 15, stating that the vaccinations would start next summer
and adding, "After a three year study, Secretary of Defense William S.
Cohen concluded that the vaccination is the safest way to protect highly
mobile U.S. military forces against a potential threat that is 99 percent
lethal to unprotected individuals. The anthrax vaccine will initially be
administered to approximately 100,000 military personnel assigned or
deployed to the high-threat areas of Southwest Asia and Northeast Asia.
Within the next several years it will be given to all active duty and
reserve personnel."
The DOD news release said, "The anthrax vaccine is FDA-licensed and
exhibits fewer side effects than flu or typhoid vaccines. It has been
widely used in the United States since the early 1970s by livestock workers
and veterinarians."
When asked about the Gulf War veterans concerns, Defense Department
spokesperson Jim Turner said, "Stuff coming off the Internet is often
suspect." He subsequently added, "But I am not saying the veterans'
concerns are suspect. I am not questioning the veterans concerns. I respect
that. It's idiotic to say they don't have concerns -- their concerns are
their concerns." He said the Food and Drug Administration has approved the
use of the vaccine for "about 20 years," and the worst thing that has
happened to anyone taking it is a little redness around the vaccination
area, mild discomfort at the inoculation site, or low-grade fever.
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A Promise to Do Better Is Not Enough
By Patrick B. Pexton
Monday, January 12, 1998; Page A17
From the Washington Post, Monday, January 12, 1998; Page A17
In a recent letter to the Food and Drug Administration, the Pentagon asked
for broad authority to distribute to U.S. civilians -- during or after a
domestic terrorism incident -- some of the same experimental drugs and
vaccines used on troops to unknown effect in the gulf war. In most cases
these are drugs, or uses of drugs and vaccines, that have never been tested
in a clinical trial for effectiveness or side effects and that are not at
present for sale commercially.
Visitors since October 15, 2000
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