Introduction to Homeopathy Online Class, Part 2 of 2

Introduction to Homeopathy OnLine Class - Part 2 of 2 , Basic Level

Starts Friday January 10

(Also CEU's for those who are nurses - see below)

This is the Part 2 class (Part 1 is a prerequisite)

MUST have completed part 1 or be in the process of completing................

In Part 2 you will get far more detail about the lessons that you have already had - going more into depth than just skimming the surface which we have done in Part 1 - it is a lot of extra reading - deeper stuff. We will go MORE IN DEPTH with each area

1. Important homeopaths in history
2. Vital Force
3. The Laws & specifically the Law of Similars
4. Provings
5. Potentization

6. Susceptibility
7. Comparison with Allopathy
8. Maintaining Causes
9. More on Remedies - Form, Antidoting, Nosodes, Potency, LM's, isopathics
10. Hering's Law of Cure
11. Suppression
12. Acute and Chronic illness and telling the difference
13. Repertorization
14. Vaccine dangers
15. Prevention using homeopathy? - how, when, why - homeoprophylaxis
16. More cases interspersed throughout the class

So, if you want to be part of Part 2, when it starts, you will have to have totally finished Part 1 (or close), sending me all the assignments (or nearly finished).

Again, will require study time of about 2-3 hours a week maximum and should last 6 months (with 2 week time off over winter holidays).

* Cost: For Part 2
1. $95.00 USD discounted price for payment via paypal or credit card
2. $100.00 USD for cashiers check/money order (NO personal checks)
3. For those outside the US, payment still needs to be in $$ - credit card would be charged in US$, pay paypal payment in US$. If you are from outside the US, still will be charged in US$ - if you want to know the equivalent of what you are paying in your currency (even though charged in $) you can go to this website and get the exchange rate

4. Paypal info -
paypal acc't email address is

or click here for Paypal


5. Credit cards - or I do take credit cards - can also pay by credit card through paypal even though you don't have a paypal account - follow the link below
Clicking on the paypal link below will bring you to a paypal page for this class
In the left hand column of info, it says there "Don't have a PayPal account? "
Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue "

click here for Paypal to pay by credit card if you don't have a paypal account

IF THIS DOESN'T work for you let me know

6. M.O/cashier's check in US$ - or you can mail a money order or cashiers check in US$ - email me for address to mail to

must be received within 10 days of start of class

* Class Start Date: Starts Tuesday January 8, 2019

Estimated length is about 6 months. (approx)

* Pace: I will email the lessons (they are also on the website for the list).

You can go at the pace that I go, or on your own. It should take only 2 or 3 hours a week maximum

* Email: All lessons will be by individual email, digest email (one email per day with all the emails) or you can do the course directly from the website and not get emails (you make your choice of how you want to receive your emails thru the website

* Book: There is no new text for this course - only what I send you by email & using the book you have to repertorize cases

Again, this course will cover using homeopathic remedies at home for acute & first aid situations and will just give you more depth in that area.

I will explain in detail how a homeopath works with chronic or recurring things, but you will only be working with true acute and first aid.

This is an introduction and you will be able to use this with your family and close friends. It is NOT a course to prepare you to become a homeopath or to give you enough information to treat others outside family/close friends. Also chronic illness is not something that you can or should treat yourself. We will explore that also.

Who knows - you may find you want to become a homeopath - and goodness knows we sure need them. Many of you realize that as you haven't been able to find a quality homeopath yourself. I am serious here!

If you are a nurse or someone needing continuing education contact hours to maintain a license, I am approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing to give CEU's and that can be arranged for this course. Contact me privately. (cost for course $15 USD higher for nurses and credit)

I love homeopathy as all of you know and KNOW that it is one of the only true healing arts that there is.

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I and become as passionate or more!

and then make payment - see above

Please email me if you are interested or follow the directions below.
Register early - I may have to limit the size of this one, as there is a maximum that I can work with.

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