Celebrating 31 years! International Tours since 1988; Conferences & Retreats since 1982
(not many sacred site tour companies out there that have been in existence for 31 years)

Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours presents......

Mysterious England

Crop Circle Tour!

4 Day/4 Night Tours

Crop Circles, Earth Mysteries, Ancient Sites, Stonehenge,
Avebury & Glastonbury

July 24 - 28, 2013 (4 nights)

Photo Courtesy of Steve Alexander, Photographer, Temporary Temples

Our tours & myself (Sheri Nakken) featured on THE TRAVEL CHANNEL -
Top Ten Places of Mystery - check it out!

crop circle
Its a MYSTERY in our own time!

The last 20+ years have been incredible years for crop circles in England & 2012 will probably be similar! Incredibly intricate patterns appeared in the crops - Double Helix DNA type formation, Fractal Images, Stars, Wheels and much more. Every year they seem to get more complex!

Come join us this year during peak CROP CIRCLE SEASON for a tour that includes finding crop circles as well as visiting Stonehenge (private entrance before hours for our group within the circle), and the whole complex of Avebury & Glastonbury. I know just the places where they often show up!

Photo Courtesy of Steve Alexander, Photographer, Temporary Temples

  • Crop Circles, Ley Lines, Energy & more
  • Stonehenge the magnificent (special entrance inside circle before or afterhours usually for our group)
  • Avebury's Incredible Stone Circles and Formations - one of the largest standing stone site complexes in Britain
  • Glastonbury with its magnificent Tor, Chalice Well & Gardens, Abbey & village
  • Wonderful shops & bookstores in Glastonbury, metaphysical center of England
We will spend lots of time in the countryside among the ancient standing stone and mystery sites finding and going inside of crop formations. We will see as many crop circles as we can find as well as visit Stonehenge, Avebury, and great pubs in the vicinity for food and libation

  • Crop Circles - Crop Formations - This is peak crop circle time - the recent years were incredible years of intricate, complicated unexplained crop formations - hopefully this year will be the same (crop circle-makers willing)

  • Stonehenge the magnificent - our groups are allowed inside the circle after or before hours (usually)

  • Avebury - one of the largest standing stone site complexes in Britain

  • Glastonbury - Legendary Avalon
    • Strong in Celtic and Arthurian Legend
    • The Mystical Tor
    • Chalice Well & Gardens - experience the healing waters. From website..."The Chalice Well is one of the oldest continuously used holy wells in Britain. Archaeology has shown that the Spring was used by prehistoric tribes who inhabited this land, and for the last 2000 years we can be fairly sure that the site has been in constant use. To be at the well head , and drink the water and absorb the atmosphere of the place is truly an inspirational experience."
    • Glastonbury Abbey - a place of peace, tranquility & mystery
    • Healing Centers & Metaphysical Shops

crop circle Experience this incredible earth mystery of today while it is happening!
A great time will be had by all!

We will be traveling through and staying in Wiltshire, one of the most mysterious areas of Britain. We will stay in this area for 4 nights to experience earth mysteries & ancient sites. We will be staying in or near Amesbury & Stonehenge during this tour. We will fit as much as possible in this 4-Day tour

Cost: Starting at $1195 for 4 days/4 nights (single supplement $200) - includes pickup at & return to London Heathrow airport, transportation to all sites listed, twin/triple accommodation in comfortable B&Bs for 4 nights, breakfasts & admission to Stonehenge. Single rooms also available for $200 extra. Includes accommodations as registered for, breakfasts, transportation from & to Heathrow airport, entrance to sites listed, & workshops. Airfare Extra

Longer tours including Glastonbury, Cornwall, Stonehenge, Avebury & more

For more detailed brochure earthmysteriestours@gmail.com, wwithin@nccn.net please indicate which tour you are interested in, in your email

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Photo Courtesy of Steve Alexander, Photographer, Temporary Temples

Earth Mysteries & Sacred Site Tours & Well Within
Phone 304-238-6612 Pacific Time, US

For more detailed brochure earthmysteriestours@gmail.com, wwithin@nccn.net

crop circle

crop circle book

ORDER the various Crop Circle Yearbooks from the various years or other crop circle items

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