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I encourage all to let go of fear about this.
For those families that have lost a loved one, it is a sad thing, but I for one wonder:
This is probably HYPE pure and simple:
Also we know the HUGE exaggeration that is made by the CDC every year in saying 36,000 people die in the US of the flu - when there is NO proof of that. See articles on flu hype
Always ask, when it comes to news - "Who gains from this" or follow-the-money
In Mexico City, one of the world's most polluted (and populous) cities, 4 million cars pump an estimated 32 tons of lead[tetra-ethyl lead] each day into the air. [as of 2000]
The Effect of Lead Inhalation on Rat Lung
Abstract: Lead may exert toxic effects on
several organ systems, but those in the lung
are the most insidious. Therefore the aim of
the present study was to investigate the
morphological alterations caused by lead
intoxication in rat lungs.
Twenty-five Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: the control group consisted of five animals while the experimental groups contained ten animals each. The control group animals were not subjected to lead treatment, whereas the first experimental group animals were exposed to 500 mg /0.1 m3 /day of lead for one week, and the second group had the same dosage of lead exposure for two weeks. All the animals were decapitated and the lung tissues were obtained from each animal. Tissue samples were processed for light microscopical examination.
In the lung tissue of the first experimental group, lymphocyte and monocyte infiltration and collagen accumulation were evident in the interalveolar septa, whereas in the second experimental group the animals had pneumonia in addition to exhibiting the same features as the first group animals.
In conclusion, the concentrations of lead, especially over a long period, may cause irreversible morphological alterations in the, rat lung tissue.
In my book, FOWL!, I go to great detail talking about the interaction between dioxin and garden-variety influenza more than doubled the death rate. Here's an excerpt from my book:
In an earlier study, Burleson (1996) determined that giving mice a mere 10 ppt [parts per trillion]* of TCDD (dioxin) one week before they were exposed to garden-variety influenza A viruses, the mortality rate among the mice doubled. Researchers noted that this was the “smallest toxic dose ever demonstrated” to inhibit the ability of the immune system to ward off the flu.
Even though the mechanism for how dioxins disrupt the immune system is not completely understood, there is overwhelming evidence that exposure to TCDD significantly inhibits the host’s ability to resist influenza. First, in the presence of dioxin the “ramping-up” response doesn’t occur. The needed killer white blood cells are not produced, and the functional capacity of the ones in circulation is significantly compromised. Second, TCDD causes a disruption in the activity of cytokines in lung tissue, suppressing the production of cytokine IL-12. Without IL-12, other white blood cells are not recruited to aid in the elimination of the virus. At the same time, TCDD increases the levels of IFNγ by more than 10-fold. Rampant production of IFNγ leads to massive inflammation, not only killing infected cells, but also causing extreme damage to normal lung cells in the area of the infection. The runaway hyper-production of IFNγ and other inflammatory cytokines is called a cytokine storm.
It is the pressure of a cytokine storm that increases the mortality among TCDD-exposed mice.result of rampant proliferation of viruses that overwhelm the capacity of the body to respond. In other words, the immune system is so compromised by the virus that its massive replication kills the host. Interestingly, studies have determined that, particularly when dioxin is involved, this is not the case. A study done by Luebke (2002) examined fluid extracted directly from the lungs of deceased mice. The results proved that the increased mortality seen in TCDD-exposed mice was due to the intense inflammatory action of dioxin.
In other words, the combination of influenza viruses and dioxin caused so much inflammation in the lungs—due too a massive cytokine storm— that normal lung tissue was destroyed, leading too death of the mice.
*ten parts per trillion is equivalent to one drop of dioxin in a train of boxcars 10 miles long filled with water.
This is *exactly* what they are saying on the news here: normal lung tissue is rapidly destroyed by the virus. On a VERY superficial search, the first article that came up is about the high concentrations of dioxin-like PCBs in the area of Mexico city. http://www.springerlink.com/content/54m3818116j74555/
Maybe there was massive burning this week in the garbage areas, who know? Something kicked this off I'm sure.
Swine Flu: Bringing Home the Bacon — By James Ridgeway | Mon April 27, 2009 7:08 AM PST
Swine Flu Lessons from SARS, Mad Cow & Bird Flu of Past (GILD, BCRX, NVAX, GNBT, VICL, AVII, CRXL, RHHBY, GSK, SFD, EWW, MXF) Monday is looking like a SWINE FLU speculative flu stock stock bonanza, and we want to caution about some of the lessons of scares in the past of SARS, bird flu, Mad Cow, and even hoof & mouth as similar references. The two approved drug treatments, not vaccines, which are being released are Tamiflu made by Roche (OTC: RHHBY) and Relenza made by GlaxoSmithkline (NYSE: GSK). Gilead Sciences, Inc. (GILD) gets royalties from Roche for Tamiflu, and its shares are indicated north of $48.00 after a $45.80 close on Friday. There are also waves of tier-two and tier-three stocks which could move on this news, but be advised that we have seen these pops in the past from SARS and Bird Flu which were followed ultimately by lower share prices and many of the speculative players disappeared.
More at webpage
Subject: HSI Code Red - Don't Panic: 7 FACTS About 'Swine Flu' Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2009 11:15:00 -0400
Don't Panic: 7 FACTS About 'Swine Flu'
With all the sensationalized news about the so-called swine flu flying around, I figured we'd better set all the facts straight.
1. So far, only 82 cases of so-called swine flu have been definitively identified worldwide, mostly in Mexico (26 confirmed, 7 deaths) and the U.S.(with 40 confirmed, no deaths). (Though about 1600 suspected cases, including 159 deaths, are reported in Mexico.) That does not add up to a pandemic swine flu outbreak. http://www.who.int/csr/don/2009_04_27/en/index.html http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/
2. This virus has nothing to do with swine. In fact, it hasn't been seen in a single animal. And you can't possibly get it from eating pork.
3. No existing vaccines can prevent this new flu strain. So no matter what you hear even if it comes from your doctor don't get a regular flu shot. They rarely work against seasonal flu…and certainly can't offer protection from a never-before- seen strain.
4. Speaking of this strain, it doesn't seem to have come on naturally.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this particular strain has never before been seen in pigs or people. And according to Reuters, the strain is a 'genetic mix' of swine, avian and human flu. Was it created in a lab? We don't know yet. http://www.reuters.com/article/domesticNews/idUSTRE53N22820090424
5. The drug companies are getting excited…and that's never a good thing. According to the Associated Press at least one financial analyst estimates up to $388 million worth of Tamiflu sales in the ...snip... including side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, dizziness, fatigue, cough…the very symptoms you're trying to avoid.
6. And let's not forget that Japan banned this drug for children back in 2007, after links to suicidal behavior.
7. Vaccines for this flu strain probably won't have to jump through all those annoying hurdles like clinical trials for safety and effectiveness. That won't, however, stop the government from m
andating the vaccine for all of us a very likely scenario. And if the vaccines are actually harmful…killing people, for example…the vaccine makers will be immune from lawsuits.
Your best defense your only _real_ defense in any flu season is a bulletproof immune system. You can learn about the best ways to strengthen yourself in the HSI archives.
The Last Great Swine Flu Epidemic "This virus will kill 1 million Americans," declared the U.S. in 1976. The panic then has a lot to teach us today.
The Great Swine Flu Epidemic of 1976 never took place.
By Patrick Di Justo
Apr. 28, 2009 "Salon" --- There is evidence there will be a major flu epidemic this coming fall. The indication is that we will see a return of the 1918 flu virus that is the most virulent form of the flu. In 1918 a half million Americans died. The projections are that this virus will kill one million Americans in 1976. -- F. David Matthews, secretary of health, education, and welfare (Feb., 1976)