NEW!!! Holistic Child Care Class

Holistic Child Care Class, Monday October 3, and anticipate it will last for about 5 or 6 months

2 weeks off over winter holidays All classes are by email - go at your own pace.

Also can give as a gift!

Emails come out twice a week. (can read lessons as we go, or read some and save some or all for later reading/reference)

A great way to collect all the information in an organized manner to have on file.

Holistic Child Care Class, starts Thursday September 14


I. Intro Info
II. Conditions
A. Fevers (includes info on Scarlet Fever & Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease)
B. Skin Problems - warts, molluscum, acne, rashes, poison ivy
C. Ear Problems
D. Colds & Other Simple Illnesses including Colds, Coughs, Sore Throats, Sinus Problems, Tonsils, Glands, Mono
E. Asthma & Wheezing
F. Allergies
G. Head, eyes, styes, conjunctivitis, headaches
H. Mouth - teeth, gums, dental, fluoride, braces, sealants
I. GI - Colic, Reflux, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, constipation, motion sickness, appendicitis, food poisoning
J. Urinary Tract Infections; Bedwetting
K. Growing Pains
L. Lyme
M. Anemia
N Injuries - concussion, bones, sprains, strains, cuts, scrapes, bruises, slivers, tetanus
III. Food and water - Breastfeeding, GMO dangers, Dangers of Soy, Dangers of Aspartame, Dangers of Splenda, Dangers of MSG, BPA & plastics dangers, more as well as types of water
IV. Supplements
V. Exercise
VI. Drugs/Alcohol
VII. Wifi, portable phones, cellphones, smart meters
VIII. Education
IX. The Immune System
X. Laundry products
XI. Insect Repellant & Sunscreen
XII. Mattresses
XIII. Antibiotics
XIV. Homeopathy (intro)
XV. Vaccine Dangers (intro)

We will use the excellent book by Randall Neustaedter: Child Health Guide (link below to the book) plus I will teach much more info than is in the book. I will add to his information - information that is not in the book, with writings and links of my own.

I have another class on the childhood diseases associated with vaccines - Childhood Diseases: Reality, Care & Treatment Classes

Please tell others who may be interested also


1. $45.00 USD discounted price for payment via paypal or credit card
2. $55.00 USD for cashiers check/money order (no personal checks)
3. For those outside the US, payment still needs to be in $$ - credit card would be charged in US$, pay paypal payment in US$. If youwant to know the equivalent of what you are paying in your currency (eventhough charged in $)
you can go to this website and get the exchange rate

4. Paypal info -
paypal acc't email address is

  • Paypal info -
    paypal acc't email address is

    or click here for Paypal

    Email you'll use for class?

    5. Credit cards - can also pay through paypal even though you don't have a paypal account - tell me you want to do this and I will send a payment invoice
    6. Money order - or you can mail a money order -
    Email me for address to mail the money order to - it must arrive within 10 days of the start of the class

    7. I also do take payments spread out over 3 months.

    8. If you truly can't afford $40USD, please email me and explain your situation - the information you get in this course is WAY more than in any otherintro course) - I do also take payments

    Pace: I will email the lessons (they are also on the website for thelist).
    You can go at the pace that I go, or on your own. It should take only 2 or 3 hours a week maximum


    All lessons will be by individual email or you can do the course directly from the website and not get emails (you make your choice of how you want to receiveyour emails thru the website)

    Email me and tell me which email address you want to use for the class and I will send an invite to the yahoogroups for the class



    Child Health Guide by Randall Neustaedter - required text(order right away - will start using the book right away)

    For U.S. - Please ORDER with this link (I get small commission so appreciate you orderingthere)

    For U.K. - Please ORDER with this link (I get small commission so appreciate you orderingthere) (it says not released yet but it has been - try to order and see what happens)

    For Canada - Please ORDER with this link (I get small commission so appreciate you orderingthere)

    Please call (435) 819-0998 Mountain Time in US, write or email for more detailed information

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