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HIB Vaccine

Meningitis just means inflammation of the meninges

Varioius bacteria are blamed for meningitis - H. influenza B, pneumococcal, meningococcal & more

See here for Meningitis B vaccine info

See here for Meningitis C vaccine info

See here for pneumococcal (Prevnar) vaccine info

The Perilous Haemophilus, or is it... Pneumonia. by Hilary Butler

HIB Links

Article by Meryl Dorey

Protective effect of breastfeeding: an ecologic study of Haemophilus influenzae meningitis and breastfeeding in a Swedish population.

Spectrum of disease due to Haemophilus influenzae type b occurring in vaccinated children. Socioeconomic risk factors for invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b diseaseDay Care and others. I would also add NOT breastfeeding

Systemic Hemophilus influenzae infection. A study of risk factors."A review of the medical literature indicated that low-birth weight infants and patients with leukemia and other malignancies undergoing chemotherapy, splenectomy, congenital asplenia, sickle cell anemia, immunoglobulin deficiency diseases, cerebrospinal fluid shunts, and skull defects are at greater risk for systemic H. influenzae disease than the general population."

Day care attendance and other risk factors for invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease. ". Statistically significant odds ratios (ORs) were found for day care attendance (OR = 2.9), the presence of two or more children in the home under 6 years of age (OR = 2.4), crowding (ratio of number of people in the home to number of bedrooms > or = 2) (OR = 2.0), and exposure to cigarette smoking in the home "

Primary invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease: a population-based assessment of risk factors.

A case-control study examining risk factors for invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b disease in Victoria, Australia 1988-90. "study confirms that day-care attendance is a risk factor for Hib epiglottitis as well as meningitis"

Changing patterns of invasive Haemophilus influenzae disease in England and Wales after introduction of the Hib vaccination programme increase in non-type b strains - they like to explain it away - but this is what we have seen - decrease in one type and increase in another - nature abhors a vacuum?

Molecular characteristics of Haemophilus influenzae causing invasive disease during the period of vaccination in Switzerland: analysis of strains isolated between 1986 and 1993. there was a relative increase of nontypeable strains from 3 to 6.6% (P = 0.27).

The emergence of Haemophilus influenzae types e and f as significant pathogens. Increase in other strains - an increase in infection due to non-type b serotypes of H. influenzae

Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae other than type b: case report and review."Serious infections caused by other H. influenzae types will continue to occur sporadically and may increase in frequency when an effective vaccine against type b is widely used in infants."

Meningitis due to Haemophilus influenzae type f.

Invasive disease due to Haemophilus influenzae serotype f: clinical and epidemiologic characteristics in the H. influenzae serotype b vaccine era. The Haemophilus influenzae Study Group. Again, increase in other types. "With the decline in the rate of infections caused by Haemophilus influenzae serotype b, H. influenzae serotype f (Hif) is becoming a relatively important cause of invasive disease due to H. influenzae."

Haemophilus influenzae meningitis following vaccination. Consequence or coincidence? "CONCLUSION: Any fever occurring in the immediate post-immunization period must alert the possibility of a Hib infection."

Decline in serum antibody to the capsule of Haemophilus influenzae type b in the immediate postimmunization period. "CONCLUSIONS: A decrease in serum anticapsular antibody occurs in most children and adults immunized with PRP (adults and children) or PRP-D (adults). Such a decrease might transiently increase the risk of invasive disease if it occurred during a period of asymptomatic colonization with H. influenzae type b"

Disease caused by Haemophilus influenzae type b in the immediate period after homologous immunization: immunologic investigation.

Hemophilus influenzae meningitis despite vaccination "An 18-month-old male previously vaccinated with 4 doses of HbOC developed meningitis caused by Hemophilus influenzae type B. Immunological status was normal and antibody titer to Hemophilus influenzae type b was in the normal range for immunized children. Meningitis due to this organism should be considered even in children who are fully vaccinated."

Guillain-Barre syndrome following immunisation with Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine.

Safety evaluation of PRP-D Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccine in children immunized at 18 months of age and older: follow-up study of 30,000 children."Hospitalization and seizures (0.15% and 0.09% of vaccinated children, respectively) occurring within 1 month of immunization appeared to be unrelated to vaccination. One 29-month-old child had onset of a fatal episode of Hib sepsis/meningitis within 48 hours of vaccination. Also, a 30-month-old child developed Hib meningitis 10 months after PRP-D vaccination. "

Post immunization Hib antigen detection in the CSF of a patient with meningococcal meningitis.

The effects of Haemophilus influenzae vaccination on anaphylactic mediator release and isoprenaline-induced inhibition of mediator release.

Effects of Haemophilus influenzae vaccination on the (para-)sympathic-cyclic nucleotide-histamine axis in rats

Bronchial hyperreactivity to histamine induced by Haemophilus influenzae vaccination.

IgA nephropathy in mice following repeated administration of conjugated Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine (PRP-T).

Mortality and morbidity from invasive bacterial infections during a clinical trial of acellular pertussis vaccines in Sweden

Much more here on this website

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More here may be some duplicates of above

Article by Meryl Dorey - Australian Vaccination Network

Hib is called an invasive infection. Like all other invasive infections, it mostly occurs when the immune system of the individual has been weakened in some way. In fact, in developed countries, the incidence of Hib meningitis increased by 499% after the introduction of set vaccination schedules and compulsory vaccination.

All of us, at one time or another, will harbour the bacteria which cause Hib meningitis (and meningitis is only one of the disease that can be caused by a Hib infection depending upon your own personal constitution and immune status - it also causes things like ear infections, epiglotitis, etc.) as well as meningococcal, pneumococcal and just about every other bacteria going. Most of us will never even know that we have been exposed because our immune systems, doing what they are supposed to do and have been developed over millions of years to do, will protect us and prevent the bacteria from reproducing out of control.

When the Hib vaccine was introduced, it is claimed that it caused an immediate 90% reduction in the incidence of Hib meningitis. A few curious facts that have been overlooked by the medical community should lay to rest once and for all the claims that the vaccine was responsible for this supposed decline.

1- whilst the vaccine was originally introduced for those aged 18 months and over, the decline was largest in those under this age group - in other words, there were fewer cases in the unvaccinated infants - not necessarily in the vaccinated toddlers.

2- the vaccine is only supposed to "protect" against the capsular form of Hib and it is true that there was a decline in this form after the vaccine was introduced, but the non-capsular form of Hib actually increased in incidence and the incidence of meningococcal and pneumococcal meningitis - both of which are multi-drug resistant - increased exponentially after the introduction of this vaccine. Two reasons have been given. Something called transferrance (sp?) where when one disease is prevented, others come in to take their place - in this case, 2 that are much worse than the original one. And another is, that because Hib, like all bacteria that can cause meningitis, is an invasive infection, the further weakening of the immune system by the introduction of more vaccines, will always lead to more infections.

The suppression of the immune system following vaccination is so well known in the medical literature that it is even given a name - a 90 day window of opportunity. It is known by researchers that people who recieve a vaccine are much more likely, for a period of 90 days following - to be subject to invasive infections.

They know it, but most doctors don't and almost no parents do. It is criminal.

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